
Clockwork Angel Countdown

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Power of Books

Books have always had a powerful effect towards humanity for as long as they have existed in our world. They encourage, strengthen, and inspire us and they take away our pain, take us to other worlds, get us out of reality, and they seep us knowledge without our knowing. Believe it or not, books are an important part of our society. Without them, who knows how our world may be? Perhaps we'll be less knowledgeable, or maybe our world will be lead downhill towards depression with no source of imagination available. Who knows?

The most common reasons we look to books are to seek for comfort, enjoyment, and knowledge. Comfort for those who are having troubles with their lives. Knowledge for those who want to fill their minds with new things. Finally, enjoyment for those who just like to read for fun.

Books are always there. Really thinking about it, they're one of the only things that are loyal to us. Even though they don't have a mind of their own, they are the ones that are always their to help us and show us around. Have you ever heard the phrase "Man's best friend"? Usually the non too famous phrase is referring to dogs. Well, refer the well known phrase to the word books instead of dogs and you've got the main idea. Because really, books are man's best friend.

As I already said, books are powerful. They can take you to places far off in a whole other world. They can affect your mood, making you sad, happy, lost, or sometimes even angry. They can affect your life. For example, reading the book Ishmael has brought me new outlooks on life, making me in ways more stubborn and giving me an urge to save the world one day. Books give people a chance to be able to create and make something of themselves. And guess what? They can do so much more than just what I named. The power of books can go on and on.

So are you getting the idea of what I'm saying?

Like it or not, books are a part of humanity.
