
Clockwork Angel Countdown

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My-, uh, Sorry I Can't Think Up a Title

Lately, I've been unable to come up with ideas on what I can write and post on my blog. So today I decided to write about not being able to write and post on my blog! It's a topic isn't it?
So how I came to the idea was by searching-
You know what? I can't do this anymore! It's just too hard! Now this is going to end up being like one of those really annoying posts that just keep going on and on about nothing in particular. Now I feel like this is such a lame post, so I think I'm just going to end this entry here.
I think I have writer's blues...


Melanie said...

Write about the creppy guy in the car that started bouncing up and down when he was starig at us XD